Study & achieve athletic greatness in USA - Amerlink

Bądź widzialny dla
Trenerów i Szkół z USA

Elegant academic building nestled in green surroundings, symbolizing the harmonious blend of nature and education at American universities.icturesque view of a university edifice amidst verdant landscapes, reflecting the serene and inspiring academic setting in the USA.Majestic university building surrounded by lush greenery, showcasing the beautiful campus environment in American colleges.Modern and well-equipped kitchen area in a university dormitory in the USA, facilitating international students' daily living.Spacious and serene university library in the USA, a hub of knowledge and resources for international students.
Eagle_home Diverse group of international students studying together in the USA, highlighting the adventure and cultural exchange in American universities.

Fulfill your dream: study in the USA with a sports scholarship

Our programs matching you with ideal school


Exposure knownledge-base


Do it yourself advanced tools



Individual guidance service

to Amerlink

Your American educational and sporting adventure starts right here!

We open the doors to a world full of opportunities, support, and unforgettable experiences in the USA. Together we will cross boundaries, making your academic and sporting dreams come true. Your future is now – join us!

Utwórz darmowy profil
Unforgettable experiences

Niezapomniane przeżycia

International atmosphere

Międzynarodowa atmosfera

High level of infrastructure

Wysoki poziom infrastruktury

Empower your sports talent with Amerlink

Sport na najwyższym poziomie



I’m a student

  • Around 5010 Colleges
    and Universities
  • 1810 College Majors
    (directions of study)
Zobacz więcej
Inspired female student engaged in her studies, representing the academic aspirations of international students in USA universities.heerful female student holding books, embodying the enthusiasm and academic pursuit of international students in American universities.Engaged student deep in study, exemplifying the educational journey and adventure for international students in American colleges.


I’m an athlete

  • 40,000 international
  • $16,000 avarage
Zobacz więcej
Joyful female swimmer smiling, embodying the success and fulfillment of international student athletes in USA universities.Enthusiastic baseball player, exemplifying the spirit of student athletes pursuing their dreams in USA universities.Confident young basketball player holding a ball on his shoulder, representing opportunities for international students in USA sports scholarships.


Discover our unique set of tools and services for your USA adventure.


Exposure knownledge-base


  • Initial Consultation with Amerlink Expert
  • Education, Research, Tutorials
  • Free Visibility: Detailed Academic, Athletic
    Profile, Video visible to coaches, school administrators.
  • Link to profile can be copied to any email and used freely in communications.
  • Story of US – social activity tracking for all students and athletes’ candidates.
  • 24h chat support (AI)


Additional services:

  • Amerlink Merit Match Report $299
  • Custom Marketing Campaign (Merith Match Report included) $499
  • Detailed School Research (5 schools pack) $345
  • Single School Research Report
  • Additional Consultation with Amerlink Expert


Do it yourself advenced tools


  • All from Free Program
  • Virtual counselor (process and timeline management).
  • Merit Match Engine (system of optimal schools’ recommendation).
  • School Explorer (filtered, detailed school search engine with school details and contacts).
  • My Schools and my Favorite schools' depository.
  • Pricess Tracker for each selected school.

Monthly (12 months contract) – $39 / month

Additional services:

  • Amerlink Merit Match Report $299
  • Custom Marketing Campaign (Merith Match Report included) $499
  • Detailed School Research (5 schools pack) $345
  • Single School Research Report
  • Additional Consultation with Amerlink Expert



Individual guidance service


  • All from Free Program,
  • All from DIY Program,
  • Guaranteed Scholarship offers exceeding investment,
  • Candidate chances are evaluated prior to concierge service agreement,
  • Refund granted if scholarships not found,
  • Unlimited personal support and guidance through the process

$2999 / one payment


  • STAGE 1 ONLY - Concierge from start till offers generated and presented - $1499
  • STAGE 2 ONLY - Concierge after first school offers till school selected and admissions completed - $1499
  • STAGE 3 ONLY - Concierge after school landed till departure - $999

Our Students Timelinefriends_icon

Chris –  athlete (Boks)   from Turcja
v_ checked_white
v_ checked_white
Departure USA
Paulo –  athlete (Tenis)   from Belgia
v_ checked_white
v_ checked_white
v_ checked_white
Departure USA
v_ checked_white
Marcin –  Student/Athlete  from Polska
v_ checked_white
Departure USA
Sophia –  athlete (Tenis)   from Stany Zjednoczone
v_ checked_white
v_ checked_white
Departure USA
Cassandra –  athlete (Tenis)   from Szwajcaria
v_ checked_white
Departure USA


For over 25 years, we have successfully assisted pięciuset studentom i sportowcom w znalezieniu idealnych szkół.

Our professional support in the college selection process is unparalleled, and we take pride in our ability to match educational and athletic programs to your unique needs.


Nowości w Amerlink

Przygotuj się na nowy rozdział z Amerlink - czas na ekscytujące ogłoszenie!

Amerlink otworzył drzwi do nowego, znacznie udoskonalonego portalu dla młodzieży łączącej naukę z pasją do sportu, oraz studentów z całego świata. Ten wszechstronny portal ma stać się Twoją niezastąpioną bazą wiedzy we wszystkim, co dotyczy studiowania i sportowej rywalizacji na uczelniach i uniwersytetach w USA.

Nasza platforma, wyposażona w zaawansowane narzędzia zarządzania procesem, dogłębne samouczki i obszerną pomoc w poszukiwaniu stypendiów dla ambitnej młodzieży i studentów z zagranicy. To wszechstronna platforma, która utoruje Twoją drogę do sukcesu. Dzięki dostępowi do naszych baz danych o szkołach i drużynach, możesz przebierać w opcjach i odkryć uczelnię, która spełni Twoje marzenia.

Rozumiemy, że każdy z nas jest inny, dlatego nasz portal oferuje możliwość samodzielnego zarządzania swoją drogą. Możesz korzystać z całego wachlarza naszych usług, lub skorzystać jedynie z wybranych, na które aktualnie masz potrzebę. Amerlink zobowiązuje się do zapewnienia Ci zasobów i wsparcia, które pomogą Ci zdobyć szczyty.

Czemu więc zwlekać? Zarejestruj się za darmo już dziś, aby rozpocząć swoją amerykańską przygodę. Nawiąż kontakty z ambitną młodzieżą, która łączy naukę ze sportem i wyrusz z nami ku swoim marzeniom. Amerlink to Twój zaufany partner w realizacji Twoich marzeń. Sprawimy, że Twoja obecność zrobi wrażenie w świecie nauki i sportu.

Amerlink | 27/11/2023
Log on to adventure in the usa


Rozwijaj Pasje i Karierę: Stypendia Sportowe na Amerykańskich Uczelniach.

USA to wyjątkowe miejsce, które umożliwia uprawianie sportu na wysokim poziomie w ramach edukacji wyższej. Niektóre dyscypliny sportowe na amerykańskich uczelniach cieszą się popularnością na miarę sportów profesjonalnych. W szkołach wyższych i na uniwersytetach w całych Stanach Zjednoczonych studiuje ponad 500 000 sportowców, a każdego roku przyznawane są stypendia o wartości ponad 4 miliardów dolarów.

Uczelnie i uniwersytety w USA promują ponad 30 dyscyplin sportowych, zarówno dla mężczyzn, jak i kobiet, oferując stypendia dla sportowców, którzy mogą pochwalić się dobrymi wynikami akademickimi, mocnym charakterem i wysokim poziomem sportowym.

Find Your Sport
Empower your sports talent with Amerlink
Kamienie milowe

Dowiedz się o procesie rekrutacji

milestones to the american adventure
Programy i Ceny

Odkrywaj możliwości

Explore the possibilities
Zrób To Sam

Niezależne wyszukiwanie

Independent search

Liczba uniwersytetów:

Studenci Amerlink

Najlepszy uniwersytet:



Spakuj się i jedź z nami, aby zobaczyć z pierwszej ręki amerykańskie uczelnie wyższe, spotkać się z trenerami i wziąć udział w niektórych wydarzeniach sportowych.


Profesjonalny trening sportowy z najwyższym poziomem wykształcenia

The scholarship in the USA made it possible for me to pursue my sports dreams and discover new passions, meet wonderful people and places. Excellent training facilities, access to specialist care every day and the possibility to train in a larger team are just a few of the advantages offered by the sports scholarship in the United States.

Magda, Tenisistka, Ohio State University


Here you can find all the most
important answers to your questions

Most frequently asked questions:

What is Amerlink’s Mission?

Amerlink aims to empower students and athletes by providing tailored scholarship sourcing assistance, supporting them in their journey to study or participate in athletics in the USA.

Who Can Benefit from Amerlink’s Services?

Both international students who are passionate about academics and student-athletes looking to explore opportunities in the USA can benefit from Amerlink's services.

What is Unique About Amerlink’s Portal?

Amerlink’s portal, designed for student athletes and international students, features advanced process management tools, in-depth tutorials, and extensive assistance in scholarship searches, aiming to be a comprehensive platform to streamline your journey towards academic and athletic success in the USA.

Can I Customize the Services I Receive from Amerlink?

Yes, Amerlink provides a DIY option on their portal, allowing you to choose specific parts of the process that you need assistance with, offering greater flexibility, financial options, and control.

How Experienced is Amerlink in Assisting Students and Athletes?

Amerlink has over 20 years of experience and has successfully assisted over five hundred students and student athletes in finding their ideal schools in the USA.

What Kind of Sports Do American Colleges and Universities Support?

American Colleges and Universities support over 30 sports in both men and women categories and offer scholarships for athletes that show good academic standings, healthy character, and sufficient athletic level.

How Can I Begin My Journey with Amerlink?

You can visit Amerlink's website, create a free profile, and explore their resources to embark on your USA adventure. They provide various programs and pricing options to cater to different needs and preferences.

Can I Create a Free Profile on Amerlink’s Website?

Yes, Amerlink allows you to create a free profile on their website. This profile can be utilized to become visible to US Coaches and Schools. Additionally, they provide a platform where you can generate a CV as a sportsperson and access extensive knowledge and resources to guide you through your journey to studying and participating in athletics in the USA.

Are There Additional Paid Options for Assistance on Amerlink?

Yes, Amerlink offers additional paid options that provide more comprehensive assistance in your journey. These may include personalized consulting, detailed guidance through the college selection process, and more hands-on help in matching you with educational and athletic programs that suit your unique needs. Additionally, they provide care services such as airport pickup, support for acclimatization in the USA, assistance with shopping, and substantive support from a coordinator to ensure a smooth transition and successful journey in the USA. Various programs and pricing options, which you can explore on their Pricing Page, are available to understand the different levels of support and services available.


If you have not found the answer to your question,
please write to us will try to help.

Write to us

Become Visible to

US Coaches and Schools

Register and create a free profile. Both steps are required to sign up.


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Type Ambassador's full name or ID and press glass icon to search (optional).

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Terms and Conditions of service.


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